How old is Bobby Gruenewald? When is Bobby Gruenewald's birthday? Where is Bobby Gruenewald born? Where did Bobby Gruenewald grow up from? What's Bobby Gruenewald's age?
Bobby Gruenewald Born: July 31, 1976 (age 46years)
How about Bobby Gruenewald's education?
Bobby Gruenewald Education: Stephen Decatur Middle School
Who is CEO of YouVersion?
"They are all world-class leaders who bring a wealth of knowledge to our team," said Bobby Gruenewald, Founder and CEO of YouVersion.
Who is the co founder of YouVersion?
Bobby Gruenewald, Pastor and Innovation Leader, Life. Church, Oklahoma, USA, is the founder and CEO of the YouVersion Bible App, which has been installed on more than 500 million devices.
Who owns YouVersion Bible app?
YouVersion was founded in 2008 by Bobby Gruenewald and Life. Church. Since at least 2012, it has been sponsored by David Green, the billionaire founder and owner of Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.
Who makes the Bible app?
YouVersion was created by Life. Church to help people engage with the Bible. The team designs and builds experiences that make it easy for people to integrate the Bible into their everyday lives.