How old is Funky (artist)? When is Funky (artist)'s birthday? Where is Funky (artist) born? Where did Funky (artist) grow up from? What's Funky (artist)'s age?
Funky (artist) Born: January 23, 1974 (age 49years), San Juan, Puerto Rico
Is Funky (artist) married? When did Funky (artist) get married? Who's Funky (artist)'s married to? (Who's Funky (artist)'s husband / wife)?
Funky (artist) Spouse: Wanda Vlez
Does Funky (artist) have any children? What are the names of Funky (artist)'s children? What are the ages of Funky (artist)'s children?
Funky (artist) Children: Luis Marrero Jr.
How about Funky (artist)'s record label?
Funky (artist) Record label: FunkyTown Music
How about Funky (artist)'s nominations?
Funky (artist) Nominations: Latin Grammy Award for Best Spanish Language Christian Album, MORE
Who is the Latin artist Funky?
Luis Ral Marrero, known professionally as Funky, is a 2-time Latin Grammy nominated rapper, singer, songwriter and record producer. Marrero was born in Santurce, Puerto Rico and raised in the Barrio Palmarejo of Corozal, Puerto Rico.
Where is Funky from?
Luis Raul Marrero | |
Born | January 23, 1974 San Juan, Puerto Rico |
Genres | Latin rap Reggaeton Christian |
Occupation(s) | Rapper songwriter |
Instrument(s) | Vocals |