Fame | Julie Garwood net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Julie Garwood? When is Julie Garwood's birthday? Where is Julie Garwood born? Where did Julie Garwood grow up from? What's Julie Garwood's age? Julie Garwood Born: 1944 (age 79years), Kansas City, Missouri, United States

How old is Julie Garwood? When is Julie Garwood's birthday? Where is Julie Garwood born? Where did Julie Garwood grow up from? What's Julie Garwood's age?

Julie Garwood Born: 1944 (age 79years), Kansas City, Missouri, United States

How about Julie Garwood's movies?

Julie Garwood Movies: Rose Hill

Is Julie Garwood married? When did Julie Garwood get married? Who's Julie Garwood's married to? (Who's Julie Garwood's husband / wife)?

Julie Garwood Spouse: Gerry Garwood

Does Julie Garwood have any children? What are the names of Julie Garwood's children? What are the ages of Julie Garwood's children?

Julie Garwood Children: Gerry Jr., Bryan Michael

Where does Julie Garwood live?

She married young and had three children: Gerry, Bryan, and Elizabeth. The family resides in Leawood, Kansas. Although Garwood enjoyed her writing, she was not intending to pursue a career as an author.

What author writes like Julie Garwood?

Maya Banks is the #1 New York Times, #1 USA Today and international bestselling author of over 50 novels.

