How old is Julie Garwood? When is Julie Garwood's birthday? Where is Julie Garwood born? Where did Julie Garwood grow up from? What's Julie Garwood's age?
Julie Garwood Born: 1944 (age 79years), Kansas City, Missouri, United States
How about Julie Garwood's movies?
Julie Garwood Movies: Rose Hill
Is Julie Garwood married? When did Julie Garwood get married? Who's Julie Garwood's married to? (Who's Julie Garwood's husband / wife)?
Julie Garwood Spouse: Gerry Garwood
Does Julie Garwood have any children? What are the names of Julie Garwood's children? What are the ages of Julie Garwood's children?
Julie Garwood Children: Gerry Jr., Bryan Michael
Where does Julie Garwood live?
She married young and had three children: Gerry, Bryan, and Elizabeth. The family resides in Leawood, Kansas. Although Garwood enjoyed her writing, she was not intending to pursue a career as an author.
What author writes like Julie Garwood?
Maya Banks is the #1 New York Times, #1 USA Today and international bestselling author of over 50 novels.