How old is Lerentee McCray? When is Lerentee McCray's birthday? Where is Lerentee McCray born? Where did Lerentee McCray grow up from? What's Lerentee McCray's age?
Lerentee McCray Born: August 26, 1990 (age 32years), Gainesville, Florida, United States
Lerentee McCray Sibling: Dana Washington, Leonardo Simpkins
Lerentee McCray Height: 1.91m
Lerentee McCray Picked date: 2017 (Jacksonville Jaguars), MORE
On January 16, 2022, McCray was arrested in Tavares, Florida after leading police on a high-speed chase. McCray had been going 88 mph in a 50 mph zone and flipped police offers off before fleeing. He currently faces a second degree felony of fleeing and eluding police with disregard of safety to persons and property.
Jaguars' Lerentee McCray: Will not play Sunday.