Fame | Lerentee McCray net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Lerentee McCray? When is Lerentee McCray's birthday? Where is Lerentee McCray born? Where did Lerentee McCray grow up from? What's Lerentee McCray's age? Lerentee McCray Born: August 26, 1990 (age 32years), Gainesville, Florida, United States

How old is Lerentee McCray? When is Lerentee McCray's birthday? Where is Lerentee McCray born? Where did Lerentee McCray grow up from? What's Lerentee McCray's age?

Lerentee McCray Born: August 26, 1990 (age 32years), Gainesville, Florida, United States

Lerentee McCray Sibling: Dana Washington, Leonardo Simpkins

Lerentee McCray Height: 1.91m

Lerentee McCray Picked date: 2017 (Jacksonville Jaguars), MORE

On January 16, 2022, McCray was arrested in Tavares, Florida after leading police on a high-speed chase. McCray had been going 88 mph in a 50 mph zone and flipped police offers off before fleeing. He currently faces a second degree felony of fleeing and eluding police with disregard of safety to persons and property.

Jaguars' Lerentee McCray: Will not play Sunday.

