How old is Michael Irvin? When is Michael Irvin's birthday? Where is Michael Irvin born? Where did Michael Irvin grow up from? What's Michael Irvin's age?
Michael Irvin Born: March 5, 1966 (age 57years), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
Is Michael Irvin married? When did Michael Irvin get married? Who's Michael Irvin's married to? (Who's Michael Irvin's husband / wife)?
Michael Irvin Spouse: Sandy Harrell (m. 1990)
Does Michael Irvin have any children? What are the names of Michael Irvin's children? What are the ages of Michael Irvin's children?
Michael Irvin Children: Michael Irvin Jr., Myesha Beyonca, Elijah Irvin, Chelsea Irvin
How tall is Michael Irvin in meters or centimeters?
Michael Irvin Height: 1.88m
How about Michael Irvin's number?
Michael Irvin Number: 88 (Dallas Cowboys / Wide receiver)
How about Michael Irvin's year_inducted_shared?
Michael Irvin Year_inducted_shared: Pro Football Hall of Fame (2007)
How about Michael Irvin's 40 yard dash time?
Michael Irvin 40 yard dash time: 4.52seconds
Is Michael Irvin still broadcasting?
NFL Network will be without one of its biggest playmakers this weekend. Michael Irvin has become synonymous with NFL analysis, with the former Cowboys wide receiver and Hall of Famer a stalwart on NFL Network's coverage since 2009. Fans tuning in to the 2023 NFL Draft won't see Irvin, though.
What is Michael Irvin's salary?
NFL Network will be without one of its biggest playmakers this weekend. Michael Irvin has become synonymous with NFL analysis, with the former Cowboys wide receiver and Hall of Famer a stalwart on NFL Network's coverage since 2009. Fans tuning in to the 2023 NFL Draft won't see Irvin, though.